Founder / Curator
#key processes
2021 residency stay Lichtenberg, Berlin
2020 First poems. First mise-en scène photography
2018 First mircrostories. First sculpture- and object concepts
since 2017 Change of perspective. Intensive intellectual-philosophical research on individual and collective consciousness, its framework conditions and possibilities.
2017 German-Japanese TV production about my discovery of Picasso's early work and my artistic work. Aired in Japan in 2017.
First digital drawings and digital photo drawings
2016 Publication of the essay A VIEW OF THE SELF: WINDOWS AND PICTORIAL SPACE. A DISCOVERY IN PABLO PICASSO’S EARLY WORK in the exhibition catalague of the exhibition PICASSO. WINDOW TO THE WORLD, Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg, ISBN 978-3-7774-2484-2
2015 Symposium Lecture A VIEW OF THE SELF: WINDOWS AND PICTORIAL SPACE. A DISCOVERY IN PABLO PICASSO'S EARLY WORK, Symposium "Picasso. Window to the World", Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg
2014 Symposium Lecture THE ARTIST ESTHER HORN ABOUT HER VIEW OF PICASSO'S EARLY WORK, ACC gallery + Bauhaus university, Weimar, Germany
2011-2016 Art historical discovery in the early work of Pablo Picasso. Writing the essayistic treatise A VIEW OF THE SELF: WINDOWS AND PICTORIAL SPACE. A DISCOVERY IN PABLO PICASSO’S EARLY WORK. The text initiates the exhibition PICASSO. WINDOW TO THE WORLD. Symposium lecture as part of the exhibition. Publication of the treatise in the exhibition catalog, Bucerius Kunst Forum Hamburg, 2016
2010 Residency Stay, Lost Gen Space / Goethe Institut, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2008 Presentation of montanaberlin at ART SWAP EUROPE, Akademie der Künste, Berlin
2006 Co-Foundation (together with Christian Heilig) and Co-Curation of the Off Space and Art Project montanaberlin, Brunnenstraße, Berlin
2003-2005 Lecturer for painting, Academy of Fine Art Münster
1992 M.A.
1986 Academy of Fine art Münster
1984 University of Münster / Studies in philosopy / German language and literature
#support | scholarships funds awards
2021 | ARTIST IN RESIDENCY STAY Lichtenberg Studios Berlin |
2013 | Exhibition funding by the Cultural Office Mitte of Berlin and the Tiergarten Art Association for the exhibition project "Twilight Zone - Return of Shadows", Tiergarten Art Association, Berlin |
2011 | Sponsorship / Federal State Government Berlin for the Exhibition Project 'B/W_Borderline', montanaberlin, Helsinki, Finland |
2010 | Grant of the Käthe-Dorsch- und Agnes-Straub-Foundation, Berlin |
ARTIST IN RESIDENCY STAY, Lost Gen Space, Goethe Institut, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | |
2008 | Sponsorship / Federal State Government Berlin for the Exhibition Project 'Light Strike', montanaberlin, Stockholm, Sweden |
2007 | Sponsorship / Federal State Government Berlin for the Gallery Project montanaberlin |
2002 | ARTIST IN RESIDENCY STAY & Project Grant Foundation 'Künstlerdorf Schöppingen', Germany |
1997 | ARTIST IN RESIDENCY STAY & Exhibition Project City de Monastir, Tunisia Funded by the City of Münster and UNESCO |
1996 | Studio Grant / City of Münster |
1994 | ARTIST IN RESIDENCY STAY / Federal State NRW, 'Cité Internationales des Arts', Paris |
#solo [selected]
2014 WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU DON'T - A Journey, Würzburg Art Society, Germany
Let's Call It Nature, Ahlers Gallery, Göttingen, Germany
2010 SPLENDID ISOLATION, Ahlers Gallery, Göttingen, Germany
2009 Mean Shadow Of A God, (with Christian Heilig), DAC [de Simoni arte contemporanea] Gallery, Genoa, Italy
2008 INCIDENT AT A CORNER, Ahlers Gallery, Göttingen, Germany
The Dark Way, spor klübü, Off Space, Berlin
BLIND DATE, Margalef & Gipponi Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium
2007 Esther Horn. Painting, David Gallery, Bielefeld, Germany
2006 We, Two Dogs Slurping The Light Out Of the Puddles At A Deserted Gas Station. The Night With Feverish Yellow Towards The Highways And the quickies, We Pee Them Blue, Ahlers gallery, Göttingen, Germany 1)
In The Still Of The Night, Neukölln Art Society, Berlin, Germany
Light Rider, montanaberlin, Off Space, Berlin
2005 Inbetween.World, Kunsthaus Gallery, Erfurt, Germany
2004 Esther Horn. Paradise, ArtForum Gallery, Palma de Mallorca, Mallorca
2003 Esther Horn. Painting, Unna Art Society , Germany
1) Exhibition title after a poem by Andrea Heuser, Munich
#in group [auswahl]
2024 | SENDER: Paweł Petasz / RECIPIANT: the whole world. Mail Art, Centrum Sztuki Galeria EL art center, Elbląg, Poland |
RE:VISION, Kunsterverein Tiergarten | Municipal Gallery, Berlin | |
ALLES VI, Sudio im Hochhaus, municipal gallery, Berlin | |
MONDAY ART SALON, Kapitel 56: “Everything new - with old rituals”, Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin | |
URBANITY MEETS NATURE. Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin | |
2023 | ZERO TOLERANCE, one night group show, Spor Klübü, Berlin |
MONDAY ART SALON, chapter 50: “every image is a projection”, Atelierhof Kreuzberg, Berlin | |
THE UNICUM IN THE AGE OF TECHNICAL REPRODUCIBILITY, part 2_The unicum as a book, Kunstverein Neukölln, Berlin | |
2022 | *Kabinett solo* in an exhibition with Juha Sääski, Kenneth Pils, Lotte Nilsson-Välimaa, TOOLBOX Gallery, Berlin |
2021 | Pink Panic, Neukölln Art Society, Berlin |
2020 | #roomwithaview, Lespai_cm, Barcelona |
#roomwithaview, design without borders, Kiscell museum, Budapest | |
2018 | 100, Axel Obiger gallery, Berlin |
2016 | HOW TO FIND TRUE LOVE AND HAPPINESS IN THE PRESENT DAY, curated by Sebastian Nebe, co-curated by Esther Horn, Bikini Berlin House, Berlin |
CROSSWORDS 3, Lage Egal projectgallery //Jordan/Seydoux gallery, Berlin | |
"Ecstasy", Ahlers gallery, Göttingen | |
2015 | THE LICHTENBEG STANDARD A4 landscape, Zwitschermaschine, Berlin |
2014 | 23 by 23, Ahlers Gallery, Göttingen Germany |
Satellite #4 PORTRAIT DRAWING IN SERIES, Axel Obiger Gallery, Berlin, Germany | |
Fake Rabbit. Dedicated to the 543. anniversary of Dürer, for example, Münsterland Gallery, Emsdetten, Germany (C) | |
2013 | FAR AFIELD AND DEEP INSIDE Imagery of the night, Municipal Gallery, Fürth, Germany |
TWILIGHT ZONE - RETURN OF THE SHADOWS, montanaberlin @ Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin, Germany | |
Rendezvous Des Amis, montanaberlin dates in a hotel / one night show /, Hotel Kaiserhof, Münster, Germany | |
Subversion & Abyss, Bewegung Nurr, Spor Klübü, Berlin, Germany | |
2012 | lineaRES, Symposium | Drawing, Manor Heinersdorf, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany |
THE END screening/Finissage of the exhibition „Matthias Beckmann – The Visitor. Invitee: Hans Pfrommer“, Emmanuel Walderdorff Gallery, Cologne, Germany | |
2011 | Rendezvous Des Amis, montanaberlin dates in a hotel / one night show /, art'otel, Berlin, Germany |
B/W_Borderline, montanaberlin @ Espoonsilta Gallery / Temporary Off Space PERTIK, Tapiola/Helsinki, Finland | |
2010 | Kuala Lumpur Dreaming, Annexe Gallery, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
2009 | Llight Strike, montanaberlin @ Studio44, Stockholm, Sweden |
To Remember Or What We Call History, The Collection of the WGZ Bank, Düsseldorf, Germany | |
2008 | Adversial Absorption of BP, (invited by Ruppe Kosellek), F.I.T., Berlin, Germany |
2007 | Mindscape, montanaberlin@ARTRMX COLOGNE Vol. 01 “Where Is My Mind?”; Cologne, Germany (C) |
2006 | Model And Reality: Stop Making Sense, montanaberlin, Berlin, Germany |
Model And Reality: The Adamant Accuracy Of The Coincidence, montanaberlin, Berlin, Germany | |
One, Two, Three, Ahlers Gallery, Göttingen, Germany | |
Deeply Superficial, montanaberlin, Berlin, Germany | |
Drawing Depicted, Kunstverein Ingan, Berlin, Germany | |
2005 | Space Flight 3, Faust Art Center, Hannover, Germany |
Paradise Wanted ?, Con-Sum, Düsseldorf, Germany | |
2004 | Painting 04, Contemporary Positions in painting, Art Center Recklinghausen, , Germany(C) |
Class!, WGZ Bank, Düsseldorf, Germany(C) | |
2002 | Hörster Fensterschau, Ü Gallery, Münster, Germany |
Landscape, Schlieper Gallery, Hagen, Germany | |
2001 | From Fritz Winter to Martin Kippenberger. The collection of the Westfalian Assurances, Museum of Münster, Germany (C) |
Art Award 2000, Savings Bank, Magdeburg, Germany | |
Drawing Space, Artists in Residence Center, Dortmund, Germany | |
Image Area, Heiligenkreuzerhof, Vienna, Austria (C) | |
A Gift for Münster, MunicipaI Gallery, Münster, Germany (C) | |
1998 | The Schilden-Project, Hengelo NL / Glanerbrug, (C) |
1996 | In Transit, Art Center Lotharingerstraße, Munich, Germany (C) |
1996 | Spectacle '94, Museum of Dortmund, Germany |
1993 | Colour and..., Löhrl Gallery, Mönchengladbach, Germany (C) |
2024 | ACTUALLY THE MOON LOOKED LIKE THIS...BUTE WAS HERE. Curated by Esther Horn. With Christel Fetzer | Andreas Helder | Christian Heilig | Esther Horn | Matthias Mayer | Ila Wingen, GLUE, Berlin |
2ß17 | HOW TO FIND TRUE LOVE AND HAPPINESS IN THE PRESENT DAY.. Curated by Esther Horn und Sebastian Nebe. With Art n more (Paul Bowler & Georg Weißbach) | Olaf Bastigkeit | Tilo Baumgärtel | |Henriette Granert | Christian Heilig | Esther Horn | Corinne von Lebusa | | Alesx Lebus | Rosa Loy | Andreas Mühe | Sebastian Nebe | Richard Schütz | Claus Georg Stabe | Sebastian Speckmann | Marianne Thörmer | Markus Vater, BIKINI BERLIN, Berlin |
2013 | TWILIGHT ZONE - RETURN OF THE SHADOWS. montanaberlin and guests. Curated by Esther Horn, co-curated by Jörn Gerstenberg. With Marcin Cienski | Jörn Gerstenberg | Frederik Foert | Christian Heilig | Florian Göpfert/Alekos Hofstetter | Esther Horn | Oliver Krähenbühl | Nadine Rennert | Richard Schütz | Tassilo Sturm | Markus Vater, KUNSTVEREIN TIERGARTEN, Berlin |
RENDEZVOUS DES AMIS. Curated by Esther Horn. With Jörn Gerstenberg || Esther Horn | Oliver Krähenbühl | Tassilo Sturm, HOTEL KAISERHOF, Münster | |
2011 | RENDEZVOUS DES AMIS. Curated byn Esther Horn. With Jörn Gerstenberg |Esther Horn | Oliver Krähenbühl | Tassilo Sturm, Art'otel, Berlin |
B_W BORDERLINE. Curated byn Esther Horn and Jörn Gerstenberg. With Jörn Jörn Gerstenberg | Esther Horn | Christian Heilig | Matthias Beckmann | Massimo Palazzi | Alekos Hofstetter/Holger Lippmann temporary space Pertik, Helsinki/Tapiola, Finland | |
2010 | MEAN SHADOWS OF A GODMEAN SHADOWS OF A GOD. Curated by Valeria de Simoni, co-curated by Christian Heilig and Esther Horn. With Christian Heilig | Esther Horn, DAC De Simoni Arte Contemporanea gallery, Genua, Italien |
2009 | THE LIGHT STRIKE PROJECT. Curated by Esther Horn. With Christian Heilig | Gab Heller | Esther Horn | Nadine Rennert | Matthias Röhrborn, STUDIO44, Stockholm, Sweden |
2008 | UNWANTED SURPRISE: TTROJAN HORSES Curated by Esther Horn und Christian Heilig With Christian Heilig | Esther Horn | Karen Oostenbrink | Richard Schütz, MONTANABERLIN, Berlin |
DRESSUR: ENDLICH MENSCHLICH Curated by Esther Horn. With Karin Häll | Ylva Kullenberg | Maria Saveland, MONTANABERLIN, Berlin | |
GANZ IM ERNST: ENDLICH MENSCHLICH Curated by Esther Horn and Matthias Röhrborn. With Clemens Braukschulte | Stefan Demary | Axel Fischer | Frederik Foert | Klaus Geigle | Stella Geppert | Christian Jasper | Leo | Matthias Röhrborn, MONTANABERLIN, Berlin |
2007 | MODELL UND WIRKLICHKEIT: HÖHERE MÄCHTE Curated by Esther Horn and Christian Heilig. With artspace BLAST, Köln: Charlotte Desaga | Sonja Engelhardt | Andreas Hirsch | Tamara Lorenz | Timothy Shearer | Thorsten Schneider, MONTANABERLIN, Berlin |
MODELL UND WIRKLICHKEIT: STOP MAKING SENSE Curated by Christian Heilig, Esther Horn and Richard Schütz. With Paul Ekaitz | Thomas Gerhards | Carsten Gliese| Christian Heilig | Esther Horn | Nadine Rennert | Ian Ritterskamp | Richard Schütz, MONTANABERLIN, Berlin | |
THE ELECTRIC CHAIR BY ANDY WAJRHOL DIDN'T SELL VERY WELL Curated by Esther Horn. With Matthias Beckmann | Ina Bierstedt | Silke Bröskamp | Matthias Geitel | Ingo Gerken | Jörn Gerstenberg | Tina Hild | Annette Kuhl | Saskia Niehaus |Svätopluk Mikyta | Esther Rutenfranz, MONTANABERLIN, Berlin | |
2006-2024 | Curated and co-curated projects of art project montanaberlin |
2006-2009 | Founding of art space montanaberlin together with Christian Heilig and further artists in Brunnenstraße 29, 10119 Berlin.Intensive, regular curatorial exhibition work in collaboration with (among others), Christian Heilig, Matthias Röhrborn and Richard Schütz; funded by the Berlin Senate and the Berlin Cultural Office, among others. |
2006 | Founding of the art project montanaberlin, together with Christian Heilig |
2023 | Give Peace A Chance. In: Pobaschnig, Walter (ed.), Vienna, Literaur outdoors - words are paths, blog, published on March 25, 2023 |
2021 | "We can't help but trust life in some way at the moment." In: Pobaschnig, Walter (ed.), Vienna, project 5 questions for artists about the present, Literaur outdoors - words are paths, blog, published on January 19, 2021 |
2016 | Aview of the Self: Window and Image Space. A discovery in Pablo Picasso's early work. In: Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg (ed.), exhibition catalogue. Picasso. Window to the world. ISBN 978-3-7774-2484-2 (pp. 10 - 19) |
Esther Horn ( I like it here) Let's call it nature, Painting, site specific paining and drawing, drawing; catalogue, 28 pages, Esther Horn, Ahlers gallery (ed.), 2016 | |
2011 | Esther Horn | Splendid Isolation, Selected painting 2004-2010, catalogue, 44 pages, Esther Horn, Ahlers gallery (ed.), 2011 |
Esther Horn | Site specific wall painting, Seleceted wall paintings/drawings 2002 - 2010, catalogue, 44 pages , Esther Horn, Ahlers gallery (ed.), 2011 |
Collection of the WGZ Bank, Düsseldorf, germany |
Collection of provincial insurance policies, germany |
Münster Municipal Collection |
Collection of Prof. Klaus Fischedyck, Clemenshospital Münster |
Telgte Municipal Collection |
Private collections |